The school recruited a team of 22 volunteer buddies who were embedded onto the platform.
They had hoodies made up to create a sense of community for the ambassadors.
They also utilized Unibuddy’s new Chat to Staff feature to add 6 academic and admissions staff.
With over half the world’s population in lockdown – Gen Z are spending 62% longer on messaging services, and Jacobs University wanted to adapt to this new normal.
The school was able to implement Unibuddy very simply with a single line of code.
“The platform is really easy to use,” said Sharon, “and the team are so responsive to any questions.”
Her school has put Unibuddy across their website, allowing them to connect with their site visitors.
They also reached out to applicants and leads, benefiting from the increased clickthrough rate of the ‘Chat to a Student’ call to action.
As Sharon explains: “This is a great new source of leads – high quality leads, coming in through the platform.“