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Amplifying International Student Orientation with Personalized Conversation

In this webinar, available on-demand, Alex Curtis, International Student Advisor at Southern Utah University, joins Unibuddy for a special webinar to chat about the challenges of providing authentic recruitment and digital orientation experiences – with emphasis on international students. 

young man with backpack slung over one shoulder smiling outside on lawn in front of tree

Every summer and autumn, international students from all around the world flock to higher ed destinations of choice, bright-eyed, bushy tailed and eager to jump into everything promised by your amazing student recruitment teams. But how do you initiate personalized student experiences before they set foot on campus? How do you instil a sense of community from the moment new students say ‘hello?’ How do you reassure them that they made the right choice?

In this webinar, you will hear about:

  • The challenges of providing authentic orientation experiences for International Students 
  • An overview of contemporary community marketing 
  • How digital engagement helps 
  • What worked at Southern Utah University 


August 18, 20226:00 pm - 8:00 pm