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Free Student Ambassador Interview Checklist

Selecting the ideal student ambassadors involves a few crucial steps. Start with a clear checklist of desired attributes and use a scoring card for objective assessments. Collaborate with colleagues to assemble a well-rounded team, and equip your ambassadors with the tools they need for success.


How to Use the Student Ambassador Interview Template

This template is designed to make your student ambassador selection process as seamless as possible. Here’s how to get the most out of it:

  • Download the Checklist: Before the interview, download and print the checklist to help guide your conversation.
  • Scoring Card: Use the scoring card to objectively assess each candidate against key characteristics. This ensures that your team will be well-rounded and highly effective.
  • Collaborate: Share the completed scoring cards and any notes with your colleagues. Discuss your findings to make sure you’re all on the same page.
  • Finalize Your Team: Once all interviews are completed, revisit the scoring cards and feedback to finalize your selection.


Why Do You Need to Find the Right Student Ambassador

Choosing the right student ambassador is crucial for several reasons:

  • Brand Representation: These individuals represent your institution; you want them to reflect the values and mission of your organization.
  • Peer Influence: Prospective students are more likely to listen to current students, making the role of an ambassador extremely impactful.
  • Long-Term Investment: A good student ambassador can bring in new talents and contribute significantly to community building.

What Other Tools You Can Use

At Unibuddy, our products make it easier than ever to launch and manage an effective student ambassador program.

  • Unibuddy Chat: This allows prospective students to easily connect with current students and get human answers to their pressing questions in real time.
  • Unibuddy Community: Here, student ambassadors can help incoming students get orientated by suggesting groups and guiding them to find their people before they step onto campus.
  • Unibuddy Events: These allow for face-to-face and virtual opportunities that increase accessibility, making it possible to reach students anywhere. Why not have your ambassadors host a Q&A session?
  • Content Tools: Our suite of content tools arms student ambassadors with everything they need to create outstanding content, while still allowing for administrative revision on the backend.

To see how Unibuddy can complement your student ambassador program, schedule a demo.

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