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Free Guide to Selecting the Right Peer-to-Peer Platform

Discover how to choose the right peer-to-peer platform for your higher ed institution. This guide offers you a checklist for platform selection, innovative virtual event ideas, and strategies for empowering your student ambassadors. 

two people having coffee and working over laptop at cafe table

In this guide you’ll learn:

  • Your checklist for choosing a peer to peer platform that works for your institution
  • Combatting webinar fatigue with alternative platforms for virtual events
  • Ideas for virtual event themes and topics – with case studies and more
  • Building a resource for your student ambassadors

How to Use the Guide

This guide is designed to help educational institutions make informed decisions in adopting a peer-to-peer platform. We’ll walk you through the following key areas:

  • A checklist for identifying the features and capabilities you need in a peer-to-peer platform.
  • Strategies for keeping audiences engaged, particularly in the age of ‘webinar fatigue.’
  • Innovative ideas for virtual events, supplemented by real-world case studies.
  • A framework for building a resource pool for your student ambassadors.

Simply scroll through the guide to explore each topic in detail, and feel free to jump to the sections that interest you most.

What’s Peer-to-Peer Platform?

In the digital era, peer-to-peer platforms like Unibuddy are revolutionizing the student recruitment and enrollment process. Unibuddy aims to empower students to make confident decisions about their future by providing an authentic student experience. Here’s how Unibuddy can benefit your institution:

Quick and Easy to Set Up

With a straightforward onboarding process, Unibuddy can integrate into your existing infrastructure in a matter of weeks.


Unibuddy offers easy access for everyone involved — from prospective students to student ambassadors and administrative staff — via both desktop and mobile app interfaces.

CRM Integrations

You can easily pull valuable insights from Unibuddy into your existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, including Slate, Zapier, and Campus Management.

Team Training and Support

Unibuddy provides comprehensive training and ongoing support to ensure that your staff and student ambassadors are fully equipped to make the most of the platform.

Community Building

Beyond one-to-one chats, Unibuddy facilitates group chats and community building, allowing prospective students to find their ideal social and academic fits.

Virtual Live Events

Engage students further in their enrollment journey with virtual live events designed specifically for the higher education sector.

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