Unibuddy Updates - Product Release Notes
New functionality for Unibuddy Chat

Higher ed admins can now see analytical data for ‘Next Best Steps’
What: Early Access Program participants will now have a new tab in their admin dashboard to see total clicks, clicks per event type and student segments interacting with ‘Next Best Steps.’ They can also filter visualizations. Why: ‘Next Best Steps’ enable higher ed teams to recommend actions for students to take, to propel them forward in their academic journey. Being able to analyze interaction with these recommendations allows higher ed institutions to more finely tune their content, resources, and support. How: Higher ed teams can access the new analytics by visiting their dashboard → Prospects -> Next Best Steps -> Analytics.
AI-generated conversation summaries now synced to your CRM
What: Using OpenAI, Premium Plus and Enterprise customers now have access to conversation summaries that recap prospective students’ conversations with student ambassadors in a digestible format. Once generated, the summaries are synced to your CRM. Why: Higher ed teams can capture the essence of conversations on Unibuddy without having to laboriously pour over transcripts. Sending summaries to your CRM lets you more easily personalize student outreach and tailor communications, therefore improving conversion throughout your funnel. How: Conversation summaries are available in the prospect table of the admin dashboard. All personally-identifiable information, or PII, is removed when information is passed to OpenAI.
Students selection criteria question now available for prospective student app
What: Since February, Unibuddy has been prompting our Early Access Program’s students in the Chat platform to share their key decision drivers. We are now making this question available in the prospective student app to collect the same information from app users. Why: Understanding students’ key decision factors in choosing a school helps higher ed teams know their students better and personalize the journey for them. How: Students will be prompted from their inbox in the prospect app to answer this question.
Periodic sync with CRM now available
What: We have made an upgrade that allows you to sync Unibuddy data with your CRM every 6 hours. Why: This updated synchronization process now allows for the batching of multiple update or interaction requests to your CRM, resulting in significant cost savings for you due to the reduced number of sync calls required. How: All student applicant interactions and updates are systematically recorded and stored for synchronization during the next interval.
Student ambassadors can now resolve conversations
What: Student ambassadors can now mark conversations as resolved via the ambassador app and the dashboard. Why: Allowing student ambassadors to resolve conversations helps higher ed teams focus on only the conversations that need attention, reducing cognitive load for everyone. How: When the last message sent in a conversation is by a prospect, the conversation is treated as “unanswered” or “unresolved,” even if the last message is a “thank you!” Now these will be easily marked “resolved” by the student ambassador.
New functionality for Unibuddy Community
Updates channel now available in Community
What: Higher ed teams can now use the Updates group in Unibuddy Community to share important information, announcements, messages and dates directly where admitted/offer-holder students are hanging out. Why: Important information can get lost in students’ email. This update allows students to keep on top of key dates and information, helping them transition to higher ed college life more smoothly. How: Student ambassadors and admins can leverage this one-way group to post updates, announcements or other critical information; students will soon be able to react with emojis.